Backed by Science

Welcome to Mama Mushroom, where science forms the bedrock of our mission, empowering you to lead a life of increased and sustained energy and focus. Let's explore the scientific story behind our products and understand how they can transform your daily life.

A tale of discovery:

Our journey began with a personal revelation - the remarkable effects of functional mushrooms. A mere 4g dose set the wheels in motion, offering two days of unparalleled energy, and igniting a deep dive into the realm of Functional Mushrooms, Nootropics and Adaptogens.

Perfect harmony with your body:

  • Functional mushrooms harmonize effortlessly with your intricate systems. They enhance your well-being while respecting your body's balance.
  • Our star players, Cordyceps and Lion's Mane deliver distinct benefits that enhance your cognitive and physical prowess, never overstimulating.

In our scientific quest, we've found the formula to elevate your daily life. With Mama Mushroom, it's more than science; it's your path to sustained well-being. Become a part of our story and experience the power of functional mushrooms for yourself.

The benefits of Lion’s Mane:

  • Reduce brain fog
  • Improve memory
  • Better mood

The power of Cordyceps:

  • Relieve fatigue
  • Powerful anti-aging agent
  • Raises sexual desire and stamina

Made in The Netherlands to your doorstep:

  • Our Premium Dutch Mushrooms created in collaboration with Professor Leo Van Griensven represent our unwavering commitment to quality.
  • As a Dutch Bio Skal-certified brand, we assure transparency, offering locally produced, biologically certified extracts.

Trust in the purity of our products:

  • Our commitment to quality means you receive scientifically validated, high-quality extracts.
  • We consistently work to maximize active components in our mushrooms, ensuring they meet your well-being needs.

Meet our scientific partners:

To create exceptional products, we've partnered with two distinguished professors, Professor Dr. Leo van Griensven and Professor Muszynska.

  • Meet Prof. Dr. ir. Leo van Griensven, bringing over 50 years of mycological expertise and passion to guide the creation of our Dutch high-quality functional mushroom supplements.
  • Discover the visionary mycologist shaping Mama Mushroom's premium Powder Mix, Professor Bożena Muszyńska, whose breakthrough studies on Cordyceps & Lion’s Mane synergy underpin our commitment to scientific precision and natural wellness.

Introducing Prof. Dr. ir. Leo van Griensven

Mama Mushroom's 'Backed by Science' claim is authentic and real. Our certified organic Dutch products are made in collaboration and under the guidance of Professor Leo van Griensven. Professor Leo brings over 50 years of relentless passion and groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of functional fungi.

As Director of Research, Professor Leo oversees every step of the production process, ensuring that Mama Mushroom's supplements embody the highest quality and supreme bioavailability.

Introducing Prof. Bożena Muszyńska

Professor Bożena Muszyńska’s breakthrough studies on the synergy between Cordyceps & Lion’s Mane form the scientific backbone of our premium Powder Mix.

Her extensive contributions to mycology, coupled with a passion for unlocking the potential of medicinal mushrooms, ensure that this product is a testament to scientific precision and natural wellness.