Most asked questions
Are there any discounts or promotions available?
Become a Family Member, for rare exclusive deals and surprise gitfs. Keep an eye on our social media.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Your satisfaction is important to us. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Please check our requirements here.
Can I find Mama Mushroom products in physical stores?
We're currently available online, but stay tuned for updates and if you know a spot that should sell our products, let us know here. We will reward every lead with free products and discounts plus shower you with our eternal gratitude
Are there any restrictions on international shipping?
We ship worldwide; check our website for details.
Can I contact customer support for more information?
Absolutely! Please reach out we're here to help. Whatsapp or call us at +31(0)20 261 1416 or drop us a line: